Cat Grooming Tips For Your Feisty Cat
If you have a cat in your life that exhibits challenging behaviors, you know that trying to groom your cat can be quite difficult. However, you also know that you want your cat to be as healthy and comfortable as possible which can require some assistance from a human at times. Get to know some of the important facts about cat grooming services that can help you to keep your feisty cat looking and feeling healthy.
Pet Surgeries: Common Surgeries Your Pet May Require And How To Help
As pet owners, it's our job to keep them healthy and well cared for. This means feeding them a well-balanced diet, giving them love and attention, and making sure they are current with all their shots. Being a pet owner is sometimes hard, but the reward of their affection is worth it. Unfortunately, no matter what we do, sometimes our poor pets require surgery. Whether the surgery is planned or an emergency, your biggest job will be keeping your pet comfortable and helping them heal properly.
Starting A Veterinary Clinic On A Budget
Starting a veterinary clinic after finishing veterinary school might be tough because your budget may be small. The equipment you need is still going to be expensive but if you can find ways to buy used equipment, you might find it is easier and fits the budget better than if you tried to buy all new equipment. Here are some idea that might help you get started.
Finding Your Location
Lyme Disease And Your Dog
If you live in an area where ticks are commonplace, or even in an area where they are rare but have been known to show up, then you should consider getting your dog the Lyme vaccine. This article will explain how your dog can get Lyme disease from a tick, how they can pick up ticks, how to recognize them and why the vaccination can be so important:
Ticks transmit Lyme disease when they attach themselves to your dog
Common Symptoms Of Bunny Illnesses You Should Know As Their Caregiver
For the most part, bunny rabbits of just about any breed are hardy creatures that thrive well in most environments and don't have a lot of problems with illness and disease. However, just like other pets, rabbits do have a few concerning health conditions that their owners should know about so they can get them to see a vet when they spot something wrong. If you have taken in a pet bunny as your own, it is a good idea to get familiar with a few of the most common symptoms of illness and what they could mean:
Cleaning A Canine's Canines: How It's Done
You already know how important it is to keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy. It would be the same for any pet you own. If you are squeamish about brushing your dog's teeth, or your dog is just not very cooperative, you will have to take him/her to a veterinarian for a dog dental cleaning. A pet prophylaxis is a little more in-depth than brushing teeth, so you may want to prepare yourself with the following information.
Time For A Road Trip? 4 Steps To Help Your Doggy Avoid Car Sickness
If you love to take road trips, but your new dog suffers from car sickness, you might think that your adventures are over. Luckily, that doesn't have to be the case. Canine car sickness doesn't have to destroy your travel plans. In fact, car sickness doesn't have to be an issue at all, especially if you make the right travel arrangements. Here are four steps you can take that will help alleviate your dog's car sickness.
3 Reasons to Adopt Adult Dogs or Cats Instead of Puppies and Kittens
Are you thinking about adopting a new pet soon? Have you been planning to pick out the perfect puppy or kitten? Although puppies and kittens can be adorable, there are plenty of adult dogs and cats that are in need of good homes as well. Instead of just choosing a pet for how cute it is, there are other factors that you should be taking into consideration. Some of the best reasons why you might want to choose an adult pet over a young one are:
3 Reasons To Have Your Pets Spayed Or Neutered
One of the most important procedures you can have done on your pet is to have him or her neutered or spayed, mostly because of the various issues that it can help you avoid in the future. Listed below are three reasons to have your pets spayed or neutered.
Prevent Damage To Your Property
One of the biggest reasons to have your pets spayed or neutered is that it can help you prevent damage to your property.
When Medications Aren't Enough For Your Pet, Acpuncture Can Help
Whether your dog is suffering from arthritis or they had a recent injury, pain medications may not be enough to control their pain. Many people use acupuncture for chronic pain conditions that aren't managed effectively with pain medications alone, and this has led to veterinarians trying acupuncture on pets to see if it helps. Acupuncture is thousands of years old, and it helps promote circulation and allows the body to heal naturally.