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Lyme Disease And Your Dog

If you live in an area where ticks are commonplace, or even in an area where they are rare but have been known to show up, then you should consider getting your dog the Lyme vaccine. This article will explain how your dog can get Lyme disease from a tick, how they can pick up ticks, how to recognize them and why the vaccination can be so important:

Ticks transmit Lyme disease when they attach themselves to your dog

It's important to understand that not all ticks carry Lyme disease and not all Lyme disease carrying ticks will automatically pass them on to your dog. So, if you happen to find a tick attached to your dog, this does not mean your dog is doomed to get Lyme disease. However, you will want to take your dog into the vet as a precaution.

Ticks can be picked up easily by your dog

Even if your dog only goes in your own yard, they can still pick up ticks. Wild animals, such as deer, raccoons and other wild animals are known for having a lot of ticks. When they come into your yard the ticks can fall off of them and then attach themselves to your dog when he comes into contact with the tick. Once the tick gets on your dog it can easily attach to the him and many times it can remain on them hidden for a long time before you even find it.

How ticks transmit Lyme disease

When a tick attaches itself to your dog it will actually embed its head under your dog's skin where it will feed off its blood. While its head is embedded, it can also transmit Lyme disease to your dog. This is how you can spot that it is a tick on your dog, you will notice a very small to medium size bud that's attached to your dog. There are many theories on what the safest way to remove a tick is. The best thing for you to do is call your vet and ask what they suggest.

The Lyme vaccination can help prevent Lyme disease

If your dog is at higher risk if being exposed to ticks, then your veterinarian may recommend you have them vaccinated against Lyme disease. However, the vaccination is not recommended for all dogs, so you'll want to discuss this with your vet and see if they think it's right for your dog.
