Finding The Right Veterinarian

Shaky Dog? Common Causes You Should Know

As a dog owner, you'll find that your dog is likely to do all sorts of things that might confuse you. One of the things you may find yourself wondering about is why you have caught your dog shaking. The fact is that there are a lot of different reasons for shivering or shaking in your dog. Here's a look at what your vet wants you to know about the most common causes.

Is Your Dog Cold?

The most common, and simplest, explanation for why your dog is shivering is the cold. If your dog is cold, that will often cause shivering. This is especially common with smaller dogs, like Chihuahuas. These smaller breeds have a harder time regulating their body temperature, so they are more susceptible to the cold than larger breeds. Despite that, even larger breeds are vulnerable to cold temperatures that can cause shivering.

Is Your Dog Stressed?

For some dogs, shaking is a nervous system response that occurs as a result of stress or anxiety. Think about your dog's current state of mind and general mental health. If there's a history of anxiety or something significant has changed in the environment, this could have caused stress that is causing your dog to shake. You can talk with a veterinarian about an anti-anxiety medication that can help your dog adapt to changes in their environment more easily.

Is Your Dog Ill or Injured?

If you have any reason to believe that your dog is shaking as a response to an injury or illness, it's important that you call your veterinarian right away. Your vet can assess your dog's health and determine if there's a medical reason for the shaking. If there is, your vet can help you treat it.

Is Your Dog Older?

Shaking is a common problem with aging dogs. As dogs get older, the muscles in their legs become weaker, which often makes it harder for them to support the dog's body weight. As a result, you may notice that your aging dog is shaking, especially when standing or trying to walk.

No matter what the cause of your dog's shaking, you should reach out to a local veterinarian for advice and to address the problem if need be. The more you understand the causes of shaking, the easier it is for you to address it and help your dog to feel comfortable or recover from whatever may be the problem. 

Contact your veterinarian for more information. 
